I know it all!!

Tuesday, August 05, 2003  

hello Blog...


man I rode my bike in to work today and got to the kitchen to drive to the office and start my day. Well Corey are meat mover had taken the keys to the kitchen truck home with him last night. So i called his house and his mom was all, "do you know what time it is?". I'm all, "yeah, 8am is Corey there". Then Corey proceeds to tell me that he's sleeping and that there is nothing that he can do. Un fucking believable. So i called up Melis and vented and then i called JKW and vented. so pissed. I would never have acted that way when I was 19. ok enough of that.

boy am I sunburned! we went to Chelan over the weekend and got some sun. It was rad, Melis jumped off of her biggest cliff ever. i did a naked backflip off of it for some boats and a wager from Melis. Pay up lovey!

Things with her have been pretty amazing and just get better. i was a liitle nervous about Chelan and kinda jumped on her a little> I'm sorry sweetie. she knows that. we are thinking about getting married around Halloween of 2004!!!! last night we had yummy dinner with her mom and when we got home the power was partially out. then i was all being Mr. Know it All saying all was fine then it all went out!. Honey was right. But it was fun to snap photos of lovey in the candlelight folding the clothes all cute and playing with Begonia! Things with her are on a level that just keeps getting raised and raised to a better level each morning. I have never had a relationship like this before and it feels amazing. Just like this morning when we were laying there and talking and snuggling. Those times are truly the best. when she came in for a kiss goodbye and those sweet red lips. so natural, so gorgeous. This is the first time she has been able to be herself, love herself, like who she is and were she is going and If you had known her 1 year ago and you look at her today and see how she radiates beauty, charm, self confidence it is mind blowing. I'm so happy she has truly come in to herself and I have been a part of it. I think i've been a huge part. and the great thing is she has done the same for me in so many ways. she has taught me and shown me love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i want to get a camera and take pictures and develop them in Bobs darkroom. I want a nice black and white shot of Melissa. She is a drop dead beauty. Gorgeous beyond words.

iloveyou Melissa Christine. this summer has been amazing and still getting better. is it ever going to let up. not with us. we have the best of times.

we went and rebooked Mexico for October 18th. yah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would like honey to finish her fish painting. it's great. i want to frame it!!!!!!!!!!!

ok bye.

Melissa you are truly amazing.

posted by Brian | 9:01 AM